Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WELL, HELLO THERE!!! (read this post!) :)

I promise i'm still alive!!!
Its been over a month since i've last blogged i think. I have good reasons though!
I announced on my FB page that I wasn't taking orders and would update you on that soon.....
Well, the reason being is, I got a full-time teaching position!!!!
I'm so excited to have this Job! I graduated 2 years ago and just took my time finding a job so i could be a stay at home mommy for awhile! Its been AWESOME staying at home with boys for the past 4 years. But, it was time to help out with some of the financial duties in my home. I'm so grateful God saw it fitting at this time in my life to bless me with a great job surrounded by great friends (p.s. i love my co-workers).
ANYWAYS....what you want to know is....Am i taking orders??? Well, not at this moment. I am NOT "closing shop" but, I am not taking orders again till June 1st. 
I just feel it is VERY important to use my evenings to spend with my family after work, and my nights to sleep!! haha!! 
I L.O.V.E sewing BUT my family time is waaaaay more important!!! 
 So, come June 1st start sending me those emails and i'll make you all kinds of cuteness this summer! :)
Thank You all so very much!!!!!