Sunday, November 8, 2009


So, being a mom sometimes makes you alittle bit crazy....agreed!?!? Well, maybe being a mom 40 hours a week with 1st graders, writes lessons plans every other day, stays up till 1am ALMOST every night making Tee's getting up at 6am, and tries to be a positive and "peppy" wife, mommy, family member, friend, teacher, ext. Sometimes i just can't do it all! And sometimes i CAN!! I love those days when i can just do it all and still have a positive (undrained) outlook on my day! But today, i'm just plain tired and frustrated! LIKE TODAY....I woke up late, didn't get a shower, rushed to church (because when your a sunday school teacher and pastors wife, you shouldn't be late..haha! so i hear anyways!) Then i come home and TRY my best to nap while kolton is (doesn't work) then i decide to upload pics of some the recent orders that are completed and i CAN NOT find my camera/computer cord to do so....aghhhh!! Then i sit down to sew an order only to realize i ordered the wrong size shirts...double aghhhh!! Well anyways, it hasn't been THAT bad of day...just FRUSTRATING!! But on a happier note, i spent my weekend in Ashville with my ladies group from church and we had the best time laughing ALOT, fellowshipping, and praising God for the Great he IS!! I will upload pics of the soon as i find my camera cord!! Well now that i "vented" alittle i'm off to tear the house apart and FIND MY CORD!! i hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!!


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