Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cute shirt for a Cute lil' guy!

*I have to share this story about Cannon*
When his mommy decided to break him from his paci (he called it something different, can't remember though) anyways, Sarah takes Cannon to Target and tells him he can have anything he wants as long as he pays with his paci, he agrees. So out of all the things Cannon could have gotten in exchange for his paci he picks out a pack of powdered doughnuts! (haha) At the register Sarah tells him to hand the cashier his paci to pay and that he could have his doughnuts. The cashier took it and Cannon didn't get his paci back.
I hope that works with Kolton, i will probably be buying 10 packs of doughnuts in exchange. He is really attached to his "Pass".

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