Sunday, January 31, 2010

Isn't he a little heartbreaker?

Here is Sam in his Vday tee from Under the Polka dot tree.
You may have seen him on here before. His momma is my good friend and photographer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What are you doing today???

Here's what were doing!!!
8 inches of snow and loving it!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Under the Polka dot Tree-Valentines Day tee

Thanks Whitney, Lil' miss Izabelva will look lovely in her Vday tee!

Orders coming up:
C. Whaley
E. Gratz
S. Nelson
D. Ivy
A. Lay
L. Carmicheal
A. Marlow
C. Barnes
(if your name is not on this list and you have an order in...please let me know ASAP. alot of my emails are showing up as spam, so i may of over-looked it.)
Thanks...Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 25, 2010

And the winner is....

Cheryl Whaley!!!!!!! won the Vday Giveaway from Under the Polka dot Tree!

Cheryl has an order in right now for some shirts
so i guess i'll be adding one free Vday tee to that order!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

School Spirit Hoodie

Back of hoodie-paw prints
Thanks Ashley!
Ashley's Fiancee is a coach and Principle at Oak Ridge High School
and she wanted to show some school spirit....Go Wildcats!


"Mom squared" hoodie


I thought i would post a reminder of the "Feelin' the Love" Vday ends this sunday (at midnight) and i will announce the winner Monday! To enter leave a comment or become a follower OR BOTH! you'll be entered once for each. Also, if you have a Vday session with planned then email me and you'll be entered TWICE for that too. Remember the winner gets a free Vday Tee from Under The Polka dot Tree!
Thanks so much have a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Owens boys

Polka dots and dinosaurs

Hunter is having a Dinosaur bday so his mom wanted a personalized Tee
for him to wear.

And of course she needed a brag shirt to wear to his party!
These shirts are headed to KY, thanks Lyndsey!

Happy customers!

Meet Miss Katie from Knoxville...
A big thanks to her momma for sending a cute picture of her in her Polka dot Tree Tee!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Princess Carrington

I love my new princess design...its so girly!

C is for Cameron

Friday, January 15, 2010

Feelin' the LOVE...

Well, its been a roller coaster of two weeks around here. I haven't been blogging to much because well, i was on best rest for a alittle bit and didn't feel well enough to and now when i get extra time at K's nap time, I nap too. haha! My routine is mommy/wife by day, sew at night, and during nap time i blog and check emails. Well, this baby is draining everything out of i nap when Kolton does to have energy for the rest of the day! I can not wait to get past the 1st trimester!!! I've been making lots of birthday and Vday shirts...I can't believe how many bdays are in Feb. I'll share pics soon.

Oh, i almost forgot the reason for my post, i got carried away! :)
*I'm feelin' the Love so i want to show some Love and what better way to do that than A GIVEAWEAY!!!!!!
*Here is how your entered---comments, or become a follower (simple right!?)
Also, If you have made a photography apt. with HSP for a Vday session you will be entered twice! Just comment/email and let me know, and i throw your name in the drawing twice!! Ok, now its your some love!

I hope everyone is having a great 2010 so far.

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The new brag shirt

This is the "Mom squared" hoodie.

I was doing a brag shirt and thought i would add the number of kids to it, and it ended up turning into the "mom squared". If you don't know what squared means, just check back into one of your old math text books. I hope you like it, i thought it was cute for a mommy of two. And, of course this can be done for mommy's of three, four, five...well you get it!
Letter Hoodies...


Saturday, January 9, 2010


I haven't gotten to post any this week, because i've been on bed rest and in and out of the Dr. I haven't gotten to sew any either. I woke up Tuesday morning with some cramping and other complications so we headed to the ER. after an exam, ultra sound, bag of fluids, and iv of meds. later we found out the i have a small amount of blood around my uterus. The baby is doing great though, with a strong heartbeat and measuring 7 weeks. I was told to take it easy with hardly any activity and i went back Thursday for more blood work, and friday for a follow-up exam. Everything is going ok for now, and we are just praying hard that this problem resolves itself. I go back Tuesday for another ultrasound and they'll make sure no more blood is there. So please keep me and my lil' trouble maker, (i mean sweet baby) in your prayers! :)

I was hoping to share last week shirts with you and Christmas pictures but the blog "uploader" isn't cooperating with me, so hopefully tmro!

P.S. All orders ordered last week will be finished this coming week, i can now do light activity with no lifting, but sewing is ok! Thanks!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well, its back to the real life around here. I haven't been blogging so i could spend some time with my family. For the past 5 months i've done nothing but student teach, write lesson plans, and sew it seemed like. So for the Holidays i really wanted to catch up on some family togetherness! And i did just that!! I hope you did too! I sewed very few orders and spent most of my nights watching movies and hanging out visiting with all my family. My husband was off work alot for the holidays so we enjoyed our time together, i would of hated ruining that by heading to the sewing room every night. I only sew after i lay Kolton down for night-night. So the only one missing me is my sweet husband , so he deserved alittle attention.

Also, i did alot of other things like catch up organizing the house and doing some reading i've been wanting to do. I'm still not finished (i like about 100 pages) and i'll be done with the Twilight series....and.....OH MY GOSH!!!! These books are WONDERFUL!!! I've become obsessed with the characters! If you haven't read it YOU SHOULD!

Ok, onto my next topic....this is the BIGGY!! I've been really sick for about a month now with my stomach. I thought it was a stomach virus or something. But, after about 3 weeks i started feeling all too nauseous familiar. Even though i was on birth control i thought it wouldn't hurt to take a pregnancy test. I never thought i would see what i saw.....

Yup, TWO pink lines.
So for the last week i've walked around in SHOCK. I think yesterday was the first time i could talk about it and not feel overwelmed!
We are so excited! Although, the was not in our plans for a couple more years, it was in God's. I feel very blessed that God has given us this blessing. So many woman can not get pregnant easily, and i don't know why i deserve for it to be so easy for us. But, i'm VERY thankful for it!! Kolton doesn't have a clue when we talk to him about it, but he will be great as a big brother i'm sure!

Well, i hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Mine is one i'll never forget :)
Its great to be back...keep checking back for orders, i'm back in the sewing room tonight!

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